
Showing posts from March, 2024

Milestone Projects

  Objectified Response Mesh Mashup   Papercraft Object Hollow Form 3D Print

3D Print Hybrid Project!!!

For our final Object Design project we have been assigned with making a self supporting 3D printed hybrid that includes both my design as well as my partner Lucy's design. This is a very exciting final project as well as our first collaborative assignment! These are our chosen designs out of the 14 below My Designs Lucy's Designs Sketches I enjoyed coming up with multiple printing options, my favorites were the first and obviously the last one, and in the end I love our little dude we were able to print. I think the design that we went with in the end was definitely a gamble to go with just because we weren't 100% if we would have a successful print without supports, however, we were able to alter each of our designs just enough to get it to work, completely self supporting! For our first combo we decided to use my twizzler/spiral shaped model and Lucy's spheric bulb shaped model to create this object that somehow ended up resembling a little jellyfish looking guy. We h

Papercraft: Final Revision

ITS DONE!!  After the feedback I got from our previous class I was able to change my design to look more like a vinyl record with its sleeve. The vinyl fits nicely in the sleeve, and overall, everything turned out how I wanted it to and much better than my first prototype. With the help of the laser cutter I was able to include highlights on the vinyl, as well as a nicely cut out "Blize Records" logo (Blize being my last name, as well as my Grandpa's who owned an RV park, now passed down to my Dad, hence why there's an RV on the front)   This is my first design for the sleeve cut by hand vs the new one cut with the laser cutter. The new one definitely represents a record/vinyl sleeve much better. And even though you cant see it in these photos, the record/vinyl is layered so its thicker, and thanks to the larger pieces of cardstock I got, the scale is much closer to that of a real vinyl. This was a great project and I'm excited to have gained these skills, mainly

Papercraft: First Prototype

I was able to make my vinyl record quite well. The only piece I changed from my original plan was how I made the "case." I originally had it as two pieces, but the front just didn't work out well (as you can see), so I'm going to update the design by adding a separate front piece that has the specific opening that I want, it will be a flat piece that I can just glue onto the front. Sleeve   Vinyl   Revised and detailed case I re-made the vinyl case and added all of the details I had planned, I do plan to add more details to both the vinyl itself and its case but that will be for the laser cutter.