Papercraft: Digital Samples

For my first sample I decided to make the Ariana Grande perfume bottle that my partner got me for Christmas. It's this super cute cloud shape holder with the round perfume bottle sitting inside. I use it all the time and it smells amazing. 

The only thing I didn't know how to get rid of, to make the digital sample look better, was the cut off shapes on the front of the cloud, which I'll have to figure out how to do that before I start the final project (If I choose to make this.) Other than that, I think this one is really cool!


I've made my second sample I made a record with it's case, inspired by the record I have in my room on my desk, it literally staring me in the face since it sits on the desk I work on. I also started of thinking of important or just interesting objects that I have In my life, so I started thinking about how my dad has boxes and boxes full of these antique records that I believe were from my grandpa, and now we have them in our garage, my brother, grandma, mom, everyone has gone through these records looking for songs that they can play on the record player we got. My brother is also trying to make a profit on them, selling them to whoever will buy them ( he's 15, my grandmas given him like $20 for some already, they're not even his *sigh*)


Here are some simple shapes that I made and unfolded to get some practice in before making these more in depth concepts:

I know this last one wouldn't work as it is, for obvious reasons, but I just wanted to see how something like this would look unfolded, and because half of it isn't flat it looks goofy but also pretty cool.

I'm enjoying being able to make all these goofy little objects and unfolding them, I want to be able to make my own little papercraft objects once class is done, so doing these are very helpful for that.


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